Sonntag, 16. April 2017

Beauty up high - Minca

After a sad goodbye to my brother and his Sabrina we decided to go and relax a bit up in the hills of the Sierra. It was time to visit the cute mountain village Minca. We heard it must be a nice and quiet little village up the hills and good to go there for a day or two. We don't quite know what it is that is fascinating us about this "one or two days places", but as you may already were guessing, we ended up staying there more than a week. :-) It's a very beautiful place with good healthy food and a lot of hikes to do. The Victoria coffee farm serves an amazing carrot cake and they brew beer there. We did a lot of hiking and reading, and had a couple of beers and burgers at the fantastic Lazy Cat bar. It's a place well worth to visit to clear your mind from the rush of the city.

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